Student apartments on KTH Campus

Utopia Arkitekter has, in collaboration with Akademiska Hus, developed 230 student apartments for 400 students on Teknikringen at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology campus.

The project is a result of Utopia winning the commission in competition with three other architectural offices. Due to this Utopia Arkitekter will develop about 330 of the planned 630 student housing units on the KTH campus.

Municipality Stockholm
Location KTH Campus
Client Akademiska hus
Type Studentbostäder
Year 2016
Studentbostadshusen uppförs i tegel med mycket karaktär och färgskiftning.

The project described by Akademiska hus

"Utopias' proposal demonstrates well studied apartments with large living qualities despite small dimensions and space efficiency. The duplexes that were requested in the brief are designed as small three-room apartments with a bright kitchen/recreation room and two equal-sized bedrooms which gives great qualities and flexibility of use. Accommodation qualities like kitchen fixtures and storage is well thought out. The apartments can be used both to be shared by two friends and apartment for a couple with children.

The proposal contains many repetitions of stairwells, kitchens, bathrooms, etc. which provides synergies and efficiency in production.
The proposal has a good basic structure which can develop into a really nice project! A simple and honest architecture that stands well with the other buildings on the KTH Campus. "


Utopia ritar och projekterar fem flerbostadshus vid Teknikringen med plats för sammanlagt 430 studenter.

Houses 1, 2 and 3 are made of brick in various shades of red, which harmonises with the surrounding older buildings in the area. The ground floor of house 2 houses common areas and a laundry room which gives life and movement around buildings and conservatories.

Houses 4 and 5 and the surrounding walls are built of brick in a warm gray / yellow shade with plenty of character and color shift - just like the surrounding older buildings. The eaves are petite and the gables are wide and pointed. Along with the smooth gray concrete tiles on the roof create a tight and distinct form.

Upper and lower courtyard levels are laid on the land inside the brick walls.
All building entrances are from the courtyard, but the buildings open up towards the outsides with large windows where space for commercial and /or communal activities can be placed to activate the street and the square. There are also entrances on the upper courtyard that connect to the Red Cross Park. The wall to the north will become a crucial part of the park and the area. An inner passageway between the buildings meanders through the levels like an informal footpath with steps surrounded by planted greenery.

Tegelfasaderna för hus 1-3 är valda för att harmoniera med den äldre omgivande arkitekturen.

View from the park

View of houses 4 from the park.