Six shapes of blue in Hallonbergen
On behalf of Wåhlin Fastigheter, Utopia Arkitekter have developed a densification proposal for rental apartments in Hallonbergen, Sundbyberg, north of Stockholm. The six new buildings with a total of 170 apartment units will be a contemporary and playful addition that clearly breaks from the large scale uniformity of the area's older developments. | Read more »

Close to nature in Nacka
Utopia Arkitekter have been selected for a parallel commission for Tobin Properties' next project in Tollare, Nacka. The project consists of four beautiful apartment buildings on a property with stunning views across the water. | Read more »

Juvelen - a new landmark in Uppsala
A glimmering gem of a building will greet travellers arrivning to Uppsala by train. Juvelen is the name of the city's new landmark designed by Utopia in collaboration with the builder Skanska. | Read more »

Apartment buildings with room for play, art and recreation
The residential neighbourhood Rosendalsfältet is a proposal generated by ByggVesta in collaboration with Utopia Arkitekter. It was give a land assignment in April of 2016. Our concept is based on the development of two distinct focal topics as expressed in the criteria of the municipality's competition brief: play and recreational spaces for children, and the use of art within the grounds. | Read more »

Sentrum brannstasjon
En inbjudande och öppen paviljong
Det här är vårt bidrag till den öppna tävlingen för en ny central brandstation i Björvika i Oslo. Det visar hur en brandstation kan vara mer än en sluten tegelfasad och istället bli en lekfull och öppen ikon i ett urbant parklandskap, som bjuder in till undervisning och framhäver brandförsvarets roll i staden. | Read more »

Student apartments on KTH Campus
Utopia Arkitekter has, in collaboration with Akademiska Hus, developed 230 student apartments for 400 students on Teknikringen at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology campus. | Read more »

Södra Rosendal
A new neighborhood in Uppsala
I the new neighborhood Södra Rosendal, just south of Uppsala city centre, Utopia has created a block of housing for the builder ByggVesta that is now completed. The area is marked by the positive values associated with a pleasant small town - a complete "city district in miniature form". The project consists of a total of 119 rental apartments. | Read more »

Shaped by the Nordic landscape
Skýli is the name of a trekking cabin designed by Utopia Arkitekter. The original concept was developed to be easily transported to remote locations along some of the most famous trekking trails on Iceland. Skýli of course means shelter in Icelandic, but this characteristic building is not only able to withstand the most harsh weather conditions, it is a thing of beauty in itself. | Read more »

The S:t Erik Indoor Park
High quality non-commercial public space
The strong focus in recent years on production of new homes has increasingly meant that we have devoted far too little attention to what is happening between the buildings and with our public spaces. S:t Erik's indoor park is a concrete proposal for how we want to create a non-commercial public indoor environment for play, socialising, contemplation and cultural experiences which can be used for a large part of the day, all year round. | Read more »

Terrace houses with a rooftop park
Utopia Arkitekter has, on behalf of Veidekke Bostad, devised a scheme for new housing development along Hornsbruksgatan in the Södermalm district of Stockholm. The scheme comprises three buildings with a total of 29 dwelling units, namely 17 terrace town houses and twelve flats. The buildings are sited on the southern fringe of Högalid Park and include a new public rooftop park. | Read more »

Bolinders Plan
Veidekke and Utopia Arkitekter have prepared a redevelopment proposal for Southeast Kungsholmen. The City’s intention of promoting more housing development in central locations close to public transport has been one of our starting points. Another has been the very high level of architectural aspiration demanded by a conspicuous and central location. | Read more »

Utopia Arkitekter AB has been commissioned by Folkhem to devise a new housing development in the Södermalm district of Stockholm. We have code-named our scheme Söderkåkar. Our aim has been for the scheme to allude to Södermalm’s tradition of building with wood, but without being retrograde or nostalgic. | Read more »